Every fall dozens and dozens of photographers flock from all over the country to North Chagrin Reservation for a chance to photograph Wood Ducks. Every fall, Wood Ducks fill Sunset Pond and allow photographers to get within arms reach of them, seemingly unafraid of human presence. The surrounding trees make for beautiful reflections in the water during fall which only enhance the photos taken in this area.
Wood Duck Hen at North Chagrin Reservation 2011 |
The beautiful orange, red, and yellow foliage make for the most vibrant reflections in the ponds. Living in Ohio, I feel very lucky to have such a unique opportunity as I have to photograph Wood Ducks in such a manner that does not require a blind due to their shyness at other locations.
Wood Duck Drake at North Chagrin Reservation 2011 |
Hen and Drake Wood Duck Pair at North Chagrin Reservation 2011 | |
At times they come in so close that you can not focus your camera on them and you simply take in the moment. Fall brings the most unique opportunity to photograph Wood Ducks at North Chagrin Reservation. If you love Wood Ducks and fall, North Chagrin Reservation is a must see to any photographer and/or nature lover.